
About FaDtoush

FaDtoush is a site or a blog or a place where empty tummies can seek out food ideas to fill them up. What you will find here are blog posts about foods that are deliciously not part of the average diet and yet not as bizarre as grasshopper soup (I promise!). Because let's face it... regular eats such as burgers and kebobs can become boring at some point (I can't believe I said that). FaDtoush provides a window of tastes for ye ole hungry people to explore different cultures and indulge in new flavours. 

So join me in my adventure as I discover new foods to fill the void in your stomachs, as well as mine. Let us talk more about taste and less about health. Let us answer the problematic question of What to eat?! Lettuce join together and see hummus food we can savour.

FaDtoush? Fattoush??

FaDtoush is a play on the word fattoush, a middle-eastern salad that allows the average foodie to experience flavours beyond the limits of the generic melange of tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Yet, it is not bizarre enough to leave the likes of Andrew Zimmern cringing on the edge of his seat for the unusual taste, but delicious enough that the average food mongering individual will delight in its consumption. And that's what FaDtoush is all about.

In a Nutshell ...

I'll be posting about foods or drinks that I think are delicious and somewhat unique. Unique as in anything that is a specialty to a culture, restaurant, household, or even an online site. It's like that one food that you especially like which can only be attributed to one or a handful of places. Agreeably, what some people might find amusing could be very normal to others. Furthermore, this is not a site about rating restaurants. It is about introducing new flavours, from my perspective, to the general public. Sometimes, more often than necessary, I'll mention where to find them as well.

I hope your stay will be long and fruitful as I continuously attempt to write new posts and improve this site. 

So Welcome to FaDtoush & Thank you for visiting!